The Story behind REVIVE's Logo

The Story behind REVIVE's Logo

Many of you have asked us what is behind our logo!
But first, let's start with a little explanation of what's behind our name "REVIVE".
The interjection "VIVE" in our name expresses a wish for long life and is a celebration of the classic car, a desire to keep our automotive heritage alive.
The prefix "RE" indicates a reaction, an act of response in return to the announced end of the old cars, taking shape through our approach of "re "giving life to the classics.
"REVIVE" thus illustrates our approach to reviving this heritage by updating vehicles through electric conversion.
The name "REVIVE" reaches a wide audience thanks to its multilingual dimension, meaning "revived" in English.
"REVIVE" is also characterized by the presence of the abbreviations EV (Electric Vehicles) & VE (Véhicules Électriques).
In addition, the two "V's" bring positivity, recalling the "V" of victory, but also evoking the "Volt" sign.
Our "REVIVE" logo is based on the "Futura Medium" font:
There are several levels of explanation in the choice of this font:
Designed in 1927 by Paul Renner, this typeface broke with its time through an innovative, modern and timeless design, celebrating the future, both in its aesthetics and in its name.
Similarly, at Revive, we are in some ways at odds with our times through our vision of the future and through the electric conversion of automotive heritage.
We find ourselves in the values of "Futura", a typeface that was at the time of its creation imbued with the modernist ideals of its time celebrated by a minimalist and functional design.
However, although Futura is based on geometric forms, Paul Renner never called for a radical break with the past. Likewise at Revive we celebrate the past with a vision of the future.
In addition to the history of this typeface, which is in line with our approach, the choice was also made because of Futura's minimalist but distinctive aesthetic, materialised through the pointed apexes that evoke an electric symbolism and Voltage.
The "E's" have also been modified to reinforce the character of the logo, and to evoke the electric symbol of the batteries:

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